October update on steam locomotive 82045

Picture of Callum Calvert


October update on steam locomotive 82045


Picture of Callum Calvert


Credit: 82045 Steam Locomotive Trust

The 82045 Steam Locomotive Trust has released an update showing the progress being made on the construction of new-build No. 82045.

The trust were recently visited by Mendip Steam Restoration Ltd. who are currently constructing the dome.

They needed to check that the section of steel plate which will be used to form the flange of the base of the dome sits correctly on the boiler barrel.

The Dome Flange // Credit: 82045 Steam Locomotive Trust

It was important to ensure that it correctly follows the contour of the top of the boiler barrel before construction of the dome proceeds further, which will make any additional manipulation of the flange more difficult.

The pony trucks have received attention, with the rear pony truck assembly going well, with only the wheels and axleboxes needing fitting.

However, the tuck has been partly dismantled again in order for the swing links to go away for case hardening.

Rear pony truck assembly // Credit: 82045 Steam Locomotive Trust

The boiler water level gauges have been machined and parts of the carriage warming reducing valve have been produced.

The coal bunker has been fully bolted to the loco frames.

The machining and fitting of cladding sheets around the steam chest has continued, and a new coat of paint has been applied to the front of the locomotive.

Artist’s impression of 82045 on completion // Credit: 82045 Steam Locomotive Trust

We are looking forward to the completion of this new build project and will keep you updated on the latest progress as the news becomes available.

If you would like to support , you can visit their website here.

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  1. Why does Rail Advent never (or very seldom) state the type or class of locomotive in your reports? Unless you’re deliberately trying to baffle readers, this basic (and essential) information really should appear in the first paragraph of every story.

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