Steam locomotive 6233 Duchess of Sutherland fails before tour

Picture of Michael Holden


Steam locomotive 6233 Duchess of Sutherland fails before tour


Picture of Michael Holden


6233 Duchess of Sutherland
6233 Duchess of Sutherland // Credit: RailView

The PRCLT has announced that, sadly, 6233 Duchess of Sutherland has been declared a failure in the late hours of yesterday evening.

The locomotive made her way to Norwich yesterday from Southall in preparation for its tour to Chester today.

However, during servicing, it was found that the right inside valve spindle bush had seized to the valve spindle.

First thing this morning, the support crew had removed the valve from the locomotive and transport arrangements have been made to get the damaged parts back to the West Shed for repairs to be made.

Broken duchess
Credit: PRCLT Workshop

This failure means that today’s tour to Chester has been replaced by a diesel locomotive throughout. Please bear this in mind if you are heading out to see the tour today.

We shall update you on the progress of repairs as and when we hear about them.

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  1. Was this problem in any way related to my Tweet of the 1st of Sept, Pulling away from Exeter St Davids with the R/H steam chest cock (One) cracking away like a 12bore shotgun, I have it on video! A film of its repair would be very interesting! compared by Edd China perhaps ? who seems to make any repair more interesting…my best regards…Arrow

  2. It strikes me as being significant that prior to her overhaul Duchess of Sutherland had a failure-free run, and since her speedy overhaul she has had at least 2 failures. Could this mean that in a desperate attempt to return her to the main line asap her overhaul was shoddy for the sake of speed?

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