An update on the overhaul of steam locomotive 35005 “Canadian Pacific”

Picture of Jamie Duggan


An update on the overhaul of steam locomotive 35005 “Canadian Pacific”


Picture of Jamie Duggan


Back and Throat Plate on Foundation Ring // Credit MHR
Back and Throat Plate on Foundation Ring // Credit MHR

Recent work on overhauling the Mid Hants Railway’s Southern Railway “Merchant Navy” Class No.35005 “Canadian Pacific” has focused on the boiler, while the team wait for the overhead crane at Eastleigh to become available for moving the bogie and trailing truck.

Inner Firebox

Measuring and assembly of the inner firebox are taking place. A few of the top plates have been temporarily fixed in place to see if they fit right, while measurements are taken off for the side sheets.

The right-hand thermic syphon lines up perfectly in the inner firebox.

The new stay holes for the new door plate and inner firebox plates has been drawn out.

Right-Hand Thermic Syphon inside the Inner Firebox // Credit MHR
Right-Hand Thermic Syphon inside the Inner Firebox // Credit MHR

Outer Firebox

Both the throat and back plate have been attached to the foundation ring. The next stage, which is underway, is drilling the new holes for the stays.

For more information or to support ‘Can Pac’s’ overhaul, please visit the Mid Hants Railway’s website here.

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