Work starts on the tender for steam locomotive No.6880 Betton Grange

Picture of Michael Holden


Work starts on the tender for steam locomotive No.6880 Betton Grange


Picture of Michael Holden


6880 tender begins work
Credit: 6880 Society

The 6880 Society have announced that work has started on the tender for new build GWR steam locomotive No.6880 Betton Grange.

The Society has an agreement in place with the owner of 2-8-0 No.3814 to hire the 4,000-gallon tender off of the locomotive for use on 6880 Betton Grange.

The team at the society have started sanding down the metalwork of the tender to prepare it for painting into BR Western Green.

This is another major step in getting 6880 to steaming for the first time and becoming the 81st Grange locomotive.

Move to Tyseley

If you didn’t know, 6880 Betton Grange recently moved from the to the Tyseley Locomotive Works for its boiler to be fitted to the frames.


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