The Severn Valley Railway has announced that there will be a few changes at The Engine House, Highley in 2018.
Steam locomotive 8F No.48773 will move from Highley to Kidderminster on Wednesday 20th June 2018. This will require The Engine House to be closed on that day. The move is for the upcoming Last Days of Steam Event on August the 4th.
Great Western Railway tanks No.4566 and 5764 will be moving into The Engine House whilst No.48773 is at Kidderminster. Both of these locomotives have been out of service stored at Kidderminster Carriage Shed awaiting overhaul.
Black 5 No.45110 will then be moving out of The Engine House to the carpark to be on display in July and August 2019 as well as playing a role at the railways Last Days of Steam gala.
All change!
It will be great to see some locomotives out in the sunshine, and some locomotives on show at The Engine House.
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