Update on the overhaul of steam locomotive No.92134

Picture of Michael Holden


Update on the overhaul of steam locomotive No.92134


Picture of Michael Holden


steam locomotive 92134 at Grosmont MPD on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway
Credit: Nick Simpson / Grosmont MPD Group

Nick of the Grosmont M.P.D. News Group and the 92134 Facebook Page have given an update on the overhaul of steam locomotive No.92134, which is taking place at the North Yorkshire Moors Railway.

This, the team have taken all of the right-hand motion off, and have cleaned, measured and examined this thoroughly. The motion has had its oil pads and grease nipples replaced.

The oil pads were hard and the sake of reliability, the team decided to have these swapped out for new ones.

All bushes and crank pins have been measured so that the team have a starting point for monitoring when the locomotive starts running

The polishing of the rods off the right-hand side has commenced to prepare them for traffic and the crack testing the team will undertake. Once this is complete, the right-hand rods can go back on.

The front buffer beam has also been needle gunned back to bare metal to remove the paint. At the time of writing, this has been primed and undercoated.

The leading pony truck has been washed, and the right-hand frames being fully top-coated along with the driving wheels on this side.

Last Friday saw the team turn their attention to the right hand lifting link bracket – cleaning up and priming of the areas.

Injectors are now on with drain pipes and the team are getting to grips with where and how the rest of the piping will be fitted.

Don’t forget, the work is on public display at Grosmont MPD via the viewing area by the shop.

Find out more!

If you would like to find out more on this, please join the Grosmont M.P.D News – The Original Group on Facebook for more behind the scenes.


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