c2c named Londons best commuter service

Picture of Michael Holden


c2c named Londons best commuter service


Picture of Michael Holden


c2c // Credit: Railway News
c2c // Credit: Railway News

According to today’s NRP Survey, nine out of ten passengers are happy their c2c train service.

This makes them the most satisfied of all the London train operators.

Nearly 25,000 passengers were surveyed back in Autumn 2017.

is owned by Trenitalia and were named Londons best commuter service for other reasons including

  • Speed of journey time: 91% satisfaction
  • Satisfaction with the train: 89% satisfaction
  • Cleanliness: 88% satisfaction
  • Frequency: 83% satisfaction
  • Comfort: 80% satisfaction
What did the officials say?

c2c Managing Director Julian Drury said: “Over the past two years we have been investing in our service to deliver unprecedented improvements in the areas that matter most to our customers. That’s why we’re so proud this combination of hard work and our £40m improvement package has helped to increase customer satisfaction among c2c passengers.

“We’re delighted to be ranked London’s best commuter service, but we’re also striving to improve the service we offer. We aim to build on these results by investing in new trains, such as the £100m deal we signed last month, better services and improved stations.”


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