Featured Fridays – 01/12/2017 – The Buttolph Flyer

Picture of Michael Holden


Featured Fridays – 01/12/2017 – The Buttolph Flyer


Picture of Michael Holden


The Buttolph Flyer
The Buttolph Flyer

In this weeks and the final one for 2017, we hear from Dale Buttolph, who has built his own locomotive, ‘The Buttolph Flyer’.

Dale wrote to us and said “I have been passionate about trains since I was around 7. I have worked on steam trains and diesel on heritage railways. On a trip to North Norfolk Model Engineering Club, I became fascinated by the 5-inch gauge trains. It was then a dream to own one myself, a dream that seemed pretty impossible to achieve but after joining the NNMEC as a volunteer in 2016 I was determined to reach my goal. ”

“After saving every penny my goal was reached and I purchased a 5-inch gauge kit and have spent the last few months turning it from a non-detailed model into THE BUTTOLPH FLYER. This has been an adventure into the unknown but I have achieved the dream and I now run the train on Norwich & District Society of Model Engineers line and local clubs”

Naming the loco

“There was never going to be a problem with naming the train. The Buttolph Flyer is named after and dedicated to the memory of my Great Nan B.M.Buttolph and great Grandad E.J.Buttolph. I never got to be part of their lives but I’m sure they would be so pleased to have something in their memory that brings not only me such pleasure but to other people too and I also do charity runs ie East Anglian Air Ambulance and EACH.”

Please see more of this lovely little loco by clicking here

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