34053 ‘Sir Keith Park’ Slips Out Of Llangollen (4K)

Picture of Michael Holden


34053 ‘Sir Keith Park’ Slips Out Of Llangollen (4K)


Picture of Michael Holden


Sir Keith Park Slips Its way out of Llangollen Railway

During the recent Autumn Steam Gala, we see visiting Bulleid 34053 ‘Sir Keith Park’ (from the Severn Valley Railway) slip and slide its way out of Llangollen. It was hauling the first train of the day to Corwen.

Sir Keith Park was one of two visiting steam locomotives to the Llangollen Railway‘s Along Southern Lines Gala held in October 2017.

The other loco was 2807 from the GWSR

We will shortly begin publishing more videos. We have been busy with the website and producing a DVD for a railway!

What did we film the Sir Keith Park video with?

We often get asked what we film with, below is our equipment.


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  1. ….and only 6 on! Reminds me of schooldays spent watching the ACE trying to get away from Salisbury on a damp day. Shame to see the fireman’s hard work going to waste. Fun, though, thanks for the footage!

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